
  • Computer graphics and its professional principles


    Computer graphics are a key element of modern visual communication. With its help, professionals are able to convey complex ideas and information in a clear and aesthetically appealing way. Knowledge of the basic principles of computer graphics is essential for both those starting their careers in this field and for experienced creators looking to improve their projects. This knowledge opens the door to effective work in advertising, web design, creating visual identity of brands or in the production of printed materials. In professional graphic design, it is essential to follow rules such as preparation, simplicity, contrast, and hierarchy. They are the foundation of an effective message and help to achieve coherence and visual consistency, which is particularly important in building brand recognition. Clearly defined functionality of graphics is another aspect that determines its quality and usability.

  • Computer graphics and its basic principles


    Computer graphics are becoming an indispensable aspect of modern visual communication. Understanding its basics is key to creating impactful designs that can be used in both marketing and art. Mastering a few important rules allows you not only to create aesthetically eye-catching graphics, but also to effectively convey the intended information. Over time, thanks to the development of technology, computer graphics have acquired new applications.

  • Graphic designer and his tools


    A graphic designer uses specialized software to create visual designs, from graphics and animations to websites and advertising materials. Combining creativity with technical know-how, he transforms ideas into attention-grabbing visual messages. The industry is dynamic, and the tools available are constantly evolving, offering new design possibilities, requiring graphic designers to constantly improve their skills and adapt to new technologies.

  • Profession of a graphic designer


    The profession of a computer graphic designer combines creativity with technical skills. A graphic designer is a specialist responsible for creating a variety of graphic designs, using advanced programs such as Adobe Photoshop or Corel Draw. A person working in this industry should have a high level of creativity to create unique and original graphics that can be used in many areas – from media, through computer games, to advertising and websites. In an increasingly digital world, the role of a computer graphic designer is becoming crucial in visual communication. To succeed in this field, not only artistic ability is required, but also knowledge of design principles and technical competence related to the latest software and design trends.

  • Computer graphics and its types – image generation


    Computer graphics is a branch of computer science that involves the creation and manipulation of images using computer technology. It deals not only with the generation of artistic images, but also with the reproduction of reality in digital form. It is a key tool in a wide range of sectors, including graphic design, animation, engineering, and diagnostic medicine.

  • Computer graphics and its types – the nature of data


    Computer graphics, which is one of the most dynamically developing areas of information technology, is an inseparable element of the modern digital world. From simple vector drawings, through advanced three-dimensional models, to photorealistic renderings, the variety of its forms and applications is enormous. Computer graphics are used in many areas of life – from entertainment to education to science and industry. It affects the way we communicate, learn, work, and spend our free time.

  • Computer graphics and their types – vector graphics


    Vector graphics, otherwise known as object-oriented graphics, are characterized by describing an image using geometric figures, which can be points, lines, curves, or compound shapes. This type of graphics is based on mathematical formulas that determine the relationships between the elements of an image. This allows vector graphics to be scaled to any size without losing quality, which is its main advantage. The most well-known vector graphics formats, compatible with most professional graphics programs, are PDF and SVG. Knowing the types of computer graphics and their properties allows you to choose the right design tools and techniques that best suit your needs and goals. Vector graphics are commonly used in the design of logos, fonts, technical illustrations, and wherever it is important to preserve precise detail at different size scales.

  • Computer graphics and its types - raster graphics


    Computer graphics is a branch of information technology that deals with the creation, editing, and manipulation of images using a computer. It is present practically everywhere – from digital media, through advertising, to the entertainment industry. In this rich field, there are mainly two basic types of graphics: raster and vector. Raster graphics, also known as bitmap graphics, are based on the presentation of images using a map of pixels that are arranged in a rectangular grid. All these pixels are properly colored, and their configuration determines the final appearance of the image on devices such as computer monitors or printers.

  • Computer graphics – enter its world


    Computer graphics opens the door to a fascinating universe where the combination of technology and creativity allows us to create digital artworks, interactive applications and visual stories that appeal to the imagination. It is a field that is constantly developing and changing the cultural media landscape. Digital graphics have become a staple of the modern art trade, where creators can use digital collectibles as a unique form of expression and value. Contemporary computer graphics have a very wide spectrum of applications, including both commercial and artistic aspects. On the one hand, it is the foundation for industries such as advertising, computer games and film, and on the other hand, it enables artists to express themselves through digital art. These works can then be turned into NFTs, which are non-fungible tokens that ensure their uniqueness and authenticity in the digital world.